Why I’m Always (Re)Reading A Gillian Flynn Novel

Every avid reader has at least one book or book series they find themselves reading over and over again. Sometimes these books remind us of our childhood or mark the discovery of a new genre; sometimes they simply give us comfort in a way we can’t quite explain. This week, I’ll be talking a little bit about my “go-to” books, and what makes them so significant to me. 

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The Darkest Part of the Forest

While this book incorporates elements from a previous trilogy by Black, they are not necessary to read to understand this one. The Darkest Part of the Forest combines the modern world with mythical creatures in a way that is somehow both jarring and completely seamless, and proves to be a wonderful read.

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Three Women

Three Women tells the very separate, yet strikingly similar stories of three women: Lina, Maggie, and Sloane. Despite being different ages, living in different states, and being from starkly different socio-economic backgrounds, each woman’s narrative is tied together by one common disruption.

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