Interview with Fantasy Author Allison Saft

I had the absolute honor of interviewing Allison Saft, author of the young adult fantasy books Down Comes the Night,…

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A Worthwhile Read- Bloodleaf

Crystal Smith’s 2019 release Bloodleaf caught my attention as soon as I spotted it on the shelf and kept it until the moment I closed it with a satisfied sigh. The blurb on the back promised me a princess willing to risk everything to save her kingdom, a bloodthirsty and witch-hunting enemy, and love in the midst of chaos, and it definitely delivered. It didn’t take me long to fall in love with the characters and become invested in their good intentions and fast team work..

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Going Home to Hogwarts…

In these trying times, I have found myself yearning for the books and movies I used to watch and read when I was younger. I pulled my battered copy of “The Chamber of Secrets” from my bookshelf and was slapped with a wave of nostalgia. I remember the taste of butterbeer, the sound of the films’ soundtrack, the excitement I felt walking through Hogsmeade and exploring Diagon Alley, the feeling of a warm January day in Florida. I had forgotten how much of my childhood was built around Harry Potter…

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Review: “Mexican Gothic”

“Mexican Gothic,” written by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, is a “gothic suspense novel,” set in 1950s Mexico. We follow Noemí, an educated and spirited young socialite who’s been summoned to the High Place, which is the home of the Doyles, the family her cousin Catalina recently married into. The Doyles are strange…

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Carrie: Stephen King

Looking for an October read? Look no further! “Carrie”, by accomplished author Stephen King is the perfect combination of both psychological chaos and teenage trauma. It follows the story of a high school teenager named Carrie, who is a social outcast and the main victim of any mean girl’s torment. After suffering through school she comes home to her mother, a woman who carries an insanely cult-like worship to the Lord and the belief that her daughter is a demon. And, to be fair, she might not be entirely wrong…

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