Tips for First-Time Voters

Among everything else that has happened in 2020, it is also an election year. For first time voters that can be a little daunting and nerve wracking. I know the feeling, as this is my first time voting in a presidential election. First and foremost, know that…

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Living Happily

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to have a healthy lifestyle. That can mean many different things, and not just the typical “eat right, avoid junk food, and exercise regularly.” While of course those are important, they aren’t everything…

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Homework Success

Despite everything that is happening right now, life still goes on. For many of us that means classes and homework. You should always make an effort to do the best you can with your homework as often as possible. Here are some tips to help…

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Fun with Hair

Hair is fun, but it can also be a hassle. For those of us that like to keep our hair long, it can be particularly tiring and time-consuming to style it and keep it healthy. I especially envy those of you with short hair when it’s hot out. No…

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