Take a Trip Through The Adventure Zone

The greatest of stories often have the humblest beginnings. First recorded as a self-contained limited series by the comedic improv geniuses that are Griffin, Travis, and Justin McElroy along with their father Clint, The Adventure Zone has since become one of the most popular TTRPG podcasts to date with a solid 5.0 rating on the Apple Store, hundreds of millions of downloads, three graphic novel adaptations of their adventures that skyrocketed to the NYT’s Bestsellers list upon release, and accolades of the podcast gather at conventions and live shows to hear the latest shenanigans that the McElroys put their characters through…

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Dissect – Your New Favorite Podcast

My recent vice has been the Spotify Original Podcast titled ‘Dissect’, hosted by Cole Cuchna. A ‘long form musical analysis broken into short, digestible episodes’, this podcast analyzes hit albums dedicating each episode to a song. Not only does it break down the lyrics and references, but it goes deep into the musical composition analyzing chords, beats, and production…

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