My Nighttime Rituals

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Life can be stressful, and people are usually on the go during the day, with little downtime to relax. Juggling school, work, errands, etc.—I don’t get much time to sit down without stressing over the next productive thing I need to do. But when the sun starts setting and my day is coming to an end, I use the quiet time that the night brings to get some self-care into my schedule and do things that will help me unwind.

Here’s my daily nighttime routine that keeps me sane:

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1. Hot yoga

Once a week, I take hot yoga classes at night, and I always leave them drenched in so much sweat that it looks like I showered. I never thought any type of yoga classes would be in my element since I’m not flexible, but I feel so much more relaxed and like a lot of tension was released from my body afterwards!

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2. Working out

I like to work out 3-4 days a week at the end of my day. I found that exercising between 9-11 pm helps me go to sleep a lot easier and feel so much more accomplished. It’s also a form of therapy for me when I need to release emotions like anger.

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3. Using a gua sha and jade roller

After doing my nightly skincare routine and moisturizing my face or doing a facial, I religiously use a gua sha and a jade roller every night before I go to bed. I mostly do it because it feels nice on my face and makes it feel more firm, but using these skincare tools has been found to have a lot of benefits on your skin if used correctly!

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4. Drinking collagen

Speaking of skincare, I like to pour a spoon of this specific collagen into a cup of water before bed, and I chug the heck out of it. There isn’t a taste, and it helps me stay hydrated while also providing beauty benefits.

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5. Meditation

Lastly, I like to light some candles, bring out my crystals, and meditate. I usually like to do this after I’ve fully gotten ready for bed and it’s completely dark as it helps me think and loosen up better!