What I Wish I Knew about College Life

Image Source: Niche

Personally, when I was starting college two years ago, I had many expectations, especially around social life. However, these expectations were not met and I found myself disappointed at first. Luckily, I learned that it was ok that my college social life wasn’t exactly what I’d hoped it would be.

One of the first things I wish I had known was that it’s ok if you’re not best friends with your roommates. Of course, that would be nice, but don’t feel strange or upset if you’re not glued to the hip like some other roommates are. 

Another thing I learned was that it can take time to find your “right” people, and that your friend groups will change or expand. I feel like an unrealistic vision of college is that you find your friend group right away, and you’ll stick with them forever, going to their weddings and whatnot. But, that’s just not always the case, and that’s ok! A lot of people grow and change throughout college as they live with their new experience, which leads to my next point: don’t be offended if you and your friends drift apart. You guys might completely change over the course of a year or two, and you shouldn’t be mad at one another. 

Lastly, something I’ve realized is that I need to give more people a chance. There are many individuals who I have met that I genuinely believed could not have been my friend. But, here I am, with those same people. Don’t be afraid to get to know your peers a little better, even if they don’t seem like someone you’d hang out withyou’d be surprised at how many you might become closer with.