Emma Watson and Gender Equality

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Emma Watson is a widely known celebrity, mainly for her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies. However, since then, she has become a very influential speaker for gender equality and women’s rights. In July 2014, she was appointed as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and worked towards promoting gender equality and empowering young women to be confident.

Since she entered the public’s eye at the age of 12, Watson started being sexualized by the media in her teenage years. This led her to learn about all the different ways that men and women are treated differently in order to advocate for gender equality. Not only has she visited a variety of countries, including Bangladesh and Zambia to work towards an equal and fair education for girls, but she is also part of a movement to educate young girls in rural Africa. Watson has delivered numerous speeches about the specifics of gender inequality, especially how many girls are taught from a young age that they aren’t as strong as boys or that certain jobs are for men only. However, not only does she reflect on the inequality that women face, but she also discusses the inequality that men face. Watson talks about how men are taught not to show emotion and that being sensitive is a sign of weakness.

Her role as Hermione in the Harry Potter series has inspired many girls, including myself, to be confident and put themselves out there. She has taught many people that gender shouldn’t have an impact on what you are capable of and what you accomplish. Watson is continuing her efforts to promote gender equality to make the world a fairer and better place for everyone.