Activities to Try During the Pandemic

Image via Youtube

I’ve always loved being creative, and recently, many people have been doing just that. After an entire year of quarantining and social distancing, things get repetitive. I’ve seen people getting together with a friend or two to paint, but not just canvases, they paint clothing and accessories too. Walmart has various types of white sneakers, some that look like Nike Airforce. People have been purchasing those and then painting them with cool colors: pastels, neon, and more. Painting jeans is also a fun way to revamp an old pair that you don’t gravitate to anymore. There are so many designs on Pinterest that can inspire you.

If you’re bored and looking for something new to try, then I highly recommend you try this. Go outside, enjoy the spring weather, and spend some quality time with those close to you, or by yourself too; that’s always needed!

Here is a link to a “How To” youtube video.