Young, Dumb, and Broke

Image source: Jasmine Liu

We are all in the same boat, but on the bright side, we have something in common with Khalid? No matter what, we are all trying to get a little extra cash for the chips and guac or maybe that cute skirt we saw a week ago. Life gets expensive as things add up and your bank account can go from $700 to $5 real fast. Being young doesn’t have to be a time of struggle though; there are ways around it and it is a good way to learn about your personal finances!

The most important step to dealing with an issue is to address the root. So if you are spending more than you have, cut it out. Of course, you do need necessities like food, wifi, and shampoo, but you don’t need to eat out every day or go on a shopping spree every weekend. So just cut it down, keep a budget and try to stick to it.

Next, you should try to find a job or side hustle. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy and most certainly shouldn’t interfere with your school and study time. But we all have downtime and some of that time should be spent making a little extra money. If you can, work at school because they’ll be most flexible with your schedule. But if not, pick a spot close-by to where you live so the commute won’t be an issue.

Finally, just keep in mind that life costs money so yes you have to spend it, just don’t go overboard. Everything is a learning process, including your expenses. Check your bank account often, spend wisely, and enjoy your life!