Review: Wait For You

Jake Miller’s single “Wait For You” recently dropped, and with the song title and cover art as my first impression of the song, I knew I was in for a bittersweet and romantic ride. My eyes were met with the intense and sickly sweet color of cotton candy, and while listening, I could almost feel the heartbreak-triggered nausea Miller was trying to convey.

In the center of the cover art’s pink background is a large hourglass with the majority of the sand left on the top. Sitting in the area of passed time is a man, hunched over and holding an umbrella in a soon-to-be futile attempt to avoid contact with the sand. As more time passes, the man puts himself in increasing danger as he waits, waits, and waits.

“It’s killing me inside,” sings Miller. “But you can take your time ‘cause I’ll wait for you no matter how long I have to… Every night I’m hurting, But I know you’ll be worth it.”

As I listened to the song lyrics that lined up perfectly with the cover art’s message, I felt the purposeful discomfort juxtaposed with a dangerous longing for love. While Miller’s muse is not ready to jump into a relationship, he vows to wait for her at his own expense. As the empty feeling of blind hope in a hopeless situation increases, Miller’s lyrics address the relatable and painful battle between his head and his heart.

Full of impossibly smooth vocals and electronic beats, “Wait For You” is a delight both in meaning and sound.

Image Source: Twitter