The Talented Enola Holmes

Image Source: IMDb

It feels as though most movies about girls going into adolescence emphasize the importance of romance. This concept can cause so many identity crises for young women and encourages them to fall in love with the idea of a partner instead of their genuine identity. However, the Netflix movie Enola Holmes breaks all these stereotypes and dives into the truly important part of growing up: self-love. 

When anyone says the name Holmes, most tend to think of Sherlock and his many mysteries. In fact, it didn’t even occur to me that he had a younger sister until I saw this movie. It is for this exact reason that I feel it is so important that Enolas’ story be shared. From the very beginning of the film, it is clear that all women are underestimated. No one expects anything from them, and some men will go so far as to take opportunities away from women just to do so. However, Enola is not one to sit back and accept this. Throughout the film she goes on adventure after adventure, showing herself and the world the intelligence that she holds within her feminine head. 

More than that, however, it is her journey and hers alone. Many male characters come and go throughout the story, but each decision she makes is based on her personality and what her heart feels is right. She does not hold herself to the standards that the world may set for her, and one hundred percent carves her own path. Even when everyone else casts nasty looks her way and tells her she’s doing everything wrong, she doesn’t listen. She is strong,  independent, and a fighter if there ever was one, and watching her story truly inspired me to take a hold of my own. 

I  grew up with a lot of Disney princess fairytale stories and read a lot of books that emphasized finding romance before finding yourself. However, this is the kind of movie I wish I would have watched as a little girl and the kind of book I wished I would have read under my covers at night. Confidence is a very important trait to carry into adulthood, especially as a woman because women are constantly being judged and critiqued by society. Enola Holmes is truly a role model for every single little girl out there, and I feel more empowered watching this movie at 19 years old than I did watching any other movie throughout my childhood.