The Connectivity of Music

Image via Youtube Official Blog

Why do you listen to music? There are a lot of different reasons why people listen to music. Music is a powerful way of bringing people together, appreciating cultures, and understanding each other.

There are many different types of music, but no one song is the same as another. I know for a fact that depending on my mood, the music genre I listen to changes greatly. When I’m in a relaxed state of mind, I like to listen to meditation or calming music. On the contrary, when I’m working out, I listen to more upbeat music that’s going to encourage me to work out harder. In the car, I’ll listen to 90’s music that I can sing along to.

Music is an amazing way to appreciate different cultures and really connect with those around you, and even with those that are thousands of miles away. Music is powerful in this way, as it has the ability to bring people together regardless of background, lifestyle, and differences.

Music is spectacular and magical in its own way. Having friends from many different backgrounds, I have had the opportunity to listen to different types of music and dance to them as well!

So, try listening to different types of music, and enjoy different cultural songs!