The Beauty of Social Media

Image Source: beautifullytravelled

Social media has become crucial to many people’s lives. It mainly consists of talking about and sharing our lives with others, whether they are friends or strangers. Today, photos and videos from around the world are easily accessible. Because of this, I’ve always admired travel blog channels, blogs, photography instagrams, and more. They’re often filled with amazing photos and videos that people take in their hometowns or while traveling. It’s truly wonderful to be able to sit in your room and with a click of a button be able to travel the world through photos. Even though it’s not the same experience to see a photo versus to be there in person, it does give you a taste of that magic. Plus, we all know that traveling can be expensive and time consuming for those with busy schedules. Besides, with all those photos you can plan ahead and know exactly where you want to travel next!