Staying Social While Keeping Your Distance

Image Source: The Washington Post

It is no secret that we are living in an unprecedented time where learning to adapt is our new norm. You might already be bored of mundane activities with the same people everyday. With one of my sisters having lived abroad for the past few years, my family and I have had some practice. I’ve compiled a list of my favorite ways to stay connected virtually while we’re all social distancing: 

1. Cooking over Calls

Pick a recipe that everyone will enjoy, schedule a day and time, call over FaceTime or Skype and begin cooking! Along the journey, share tips and tricks, catch up and chat about your day, and compare your end results. Eating together is a great way to stay in touch. 

2. Netflix Party 

This clever app allows you to watch a movie virtually with your favorite people. Pick a movie, schedule a day and time, and send the link to your friends! Once everyone joins in you can control the play, pause and other functions to stay in sync. It is a perfect way to have a movie night in quarantine.

3. Book Club via Zoom 

Now is the perfect time to finally read all those books you’ve been wanting to but haven’t had the time for. Even better, use this as an opportunity to meet with friends. Put together a small group of friends, rotate who chooses the book, and schedule a zoom call once a week to review the designated chapters while getting some face time with those you miss. 

Say goodbye to those repetitive, boring days in quarantine. Spice things up with these creative ideas and stay in touch with the people you love.