Review: Baby Daddy

Image Source: Freeform

Baby Daddy starts off with a bang when bartender Ben Wheeler discovers a baby on his doorstep. On the baby carrier was a note from his ex stating that the child is his daughter, Emma. Right off the bat, Ben and his friends and family start panicking; his family expects him to give the little girl up for adoption, and are shocked when Ben decides to keep the baby.

Full of hilarious jokes and heartwarming moments, the audience is able to watch a 20-something year old man in New York mature as he figures out what parenthood is all about. The sitcom also shows the audience some of the real struggles single parents go through while they are trying to date–the last minute scrambled to find babysitters, leaving the date early to check up on the kid, and dating people who just don’t want to deal with the baggage of a kid.

Though the show has many strong points, there are some fall backs. The show’s primary storyline is the relationships that form; like many other shows, this one has relationships that take a long time to form just to fall apart. It is very exhausting for the audience to keep up with.

All in all, Baby Daddy is a nice watch, but over time, it gets repetitive and annoying.