Hacking Life

Image Source: Life Hack 101 – Facebook

Shortcuts are awesome. Why take more time and effort to do something when you can achieve the same result in less time? Of course, that does not mean you should diminish quality or function in order to save time, but there are still ways to get things done more efficiently: Life hacks! Here are a few that have served me time and time again.

  1. Clean as you go. This applies to pretty much everything, but I am specifically referring to cooking. You make a delicious homemade meal, and then you see the pile of pots, pans, knives, and cutting boards you now have to clean. Not fun. Instead, clean while you cook. If you have an unoccupied minute or two while your meal is cooking, take that time to clean a few things so that later you can relax.
  2. Do the least urgent task first. I generally implement this with homework, but it can be used with other things as well. It may seem counterintuitive, but if you do the least urgent task first, you still have to get the more urgent tasks done, right? So by the time you finish the most pressing tasks, you will have more free time because you have already done everything else, too.
  3. Put reusable bags in your car. Have you ever gone shopping and meant to bring your own reusable bags but forgot? Keep a few in your car at all times, that way they will always be there. Help save the planet, one bag at a time.

I hope these hacks help! We may not be able to take all the difficulty out of life, but we can certainly make it a bit easier with a few smart choices.