Creating Your New Classroom

Image Source: The Home Depot

Right now many of us can relate to the overwhelming feelings brought on by this upcoming period of online school. The novelty of the situation can feel a bit unsettling, but creating an at-home work space is really going to make all the difference. The beauty of attending a physical classroom is that it provides structure to our days, and demands that our mindset switches from daily tasks to listening and learning. Even when we are not attending class, there are places like the library or study rooms designated for school work that are crucial to efficiently and effectively learning new material. With online school and the absence of these learning spaces, it can really impact the way that we absorb new material. 

The best thing that you can do to mitigate this obstacle is to create an area in your current living space that is designated to online school work and pure focus. I personally made sure to set up my desk in an area that was not subjected to the noise of the house, and with a large flat surface to do my work on. This space should be delegated to focusing and providing all of your attention to what school work is assigned on the given day. This way, your brain can switch into that learning mode that subconsciously took place when walking into a classroom. With this area away from any distractions you are able to achieve a similar quality level of education that you are paying for and have worked for!