Life Hacks for Writers

Image Source: Pinterest

Finding a rhythm when it comes to writing can be tough sometimes. As I writer myself, I’ve struggled with writer’s block many times. However, overtime I’ve been able to learn some tips to solve this unfortunate problem. 

First, I think it best to write when inspiration hits. Most of the time, it won’t help if you’re forcing yourself to sit and write, especially when suffering from writer’s block. But be aware that if you ignore that sudden excitement to write, it will most likely go away and you’ll find yourself struggling to pull out that piece of paper or open up your laptop once again.  

I also think it best to read a book you like before writing. Oftentimes, reading will inspire you to write your own story, allowing you to gather ideas and feel inspired. 

Lastly, I think it’s best to journal or focus on writing flash fiction, or in other words, very short pieces of work. Don’t focus on what you’re currently working on, whether it be a short story or a novel, instead let random ideas come and go and hopefully you’ll feel inspired once again. 

I hope this helped all you writers out there and I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during these difficult times.