Puppy Paradise

Image Source: Audrey Wagner

Over the course of these last few months, I found myself experiencing something that I never expected I would: the ability to have so much love for a pet that wasn’t mine.

Allow me to explain.

During quarantine, it has been a common trend for people across the United States to get an animal with the hopes of making the time they anticipated spending inside a bit more entertaining. As I am still a college student, and live with 5 other roommates, buying or rescuing a dog wasn’t a very realistic scenario. However, thanks to Instagram, my roommates found a service dog company that provided the perfect way to introduce a puppy into our lives, while working around the potential issue of long term commitment.

After messaging with the company for a while, we learned that the process consisted of taking a new puppy into our home for the first few months of their lives until they turn six months old and can begin service dog training. We were immediately sold, and the perks kept flying in, as all of the food, shots, cage, and toys were included for free. So far we have had our puppy Winston for about a month, and although the teething phase is proving to be difficult for my patience, he has brought the purest form of joy and companionship. We all realize how hard it will be to give him back, but the memories spent with him will outweigh any sadness we feel, especially knowing he will be spending the rest of his life helping someone in need.

Image Source: Audrey Wagner