Things I Wish I Knew as a College Freshman

Image source: Jillian Murray

So, you see the movies of the parties, the greek life, and even the dorms. The “picture perfect” freshman year seems like the only way to survive through college essays, presentations and projects. Let me tell you, this is not always the case. For me, I made sure to go through my own college path of joining clubs on campus and staying true to who I am. I never felt pressured to be someone I am not, nor did I ever find the interest of living up to the “movie expectations” that some people think college really resembles. Here are a few tips and tricks for getting through your freshman year of college.

Wherever you are, always remember that everyone is just as nervous as you. During orientation, you will most likely find a friend or two that will stick by your side during the entire week. Embrace the feeling of uncomfortability as you go through “ice breakers” such as the name game and other team bonding events. For me, I actually loved participating in these games because it allowed me to meet new people and combat my nerves while doing so. Getting out of your comfort zone can be difficult, especially if you moved to another state for school. But, it is vital that you introduce yourself with a confident smile because all around you are the people you will be with for four years of your life. 

As cliche as it may sound, college goes by so fast. Like, too fast! It feels like I was a freshman yesterday, but here I am starting my senior year in the fall of 2019. This piece of advice is what I wish someone told me when I was starting college. Embrace, learn, and live in the moment. Embrace the times when you are experiencing new things while making good decisions. Learn from the mistakes you may make along the way, and live in the moments of pure bliss and growth. You can only take so many pictures and make stored memories, but embracing, learning, and growing will last a lifetime.

My last tip for you is to surround yourself with people who enrich your life. On Instagram, we often see young men and women posting photos with ten people in each picture. Let’s be honest, maybe three out of those ten people are really your close friends. Through many trials and errors, you will find your group of individuals who bring out the best version of yourself. Never feel intimidated by those who have twenty different friends because in retrospect, quality over quantity is everything. 

To close this little piece of advice, have fun. College is a time where you can be anyone you want. As long as you beat to your own drum and stay true to who you are, you will have the greatest experience. Now, get ready to immerse yourself in the most beautiful aspect of college, the unknown of what is yet to come, and enjoy it all.