Use Your Voice

Image Source: Slate

When you turn 18, there are a lot more privileges and rights that you now are able to use. One of the most important ones is your right to vote. You have the right for your voice and opinions to be heard, and voting is an extremely impactful way to do that. Whether you have yet to turn 18 or are already 18, it’s never too early or too late to learn about how your vote matters and how to vote.

The internet is your greatest tool right now: you can find voter information guides, register to vote, or double-check your registration status all online. When voting, be sure to carefully look over the information that is presented to you and then make your decisions. You even get a little sticker afterwards to commemorate your vote!

Although people may say that your voice is just one of hundreds of millions, it is still a voice. You and your vote can make a difference, and we are all given the right to vote at 18. Why not use it?