The Diversity of Fashion

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In recent generations, the world has become heavily globalized and there have been numerous social movements to enforce change. Due to these progressive movements, more people around the world are feeling comfortable sharing their true identities with the rest of the global community. One way people express their individuality is through fashion, from accessories to shoes. Often, the first thing people notice when they see someone walking by is their outfit. Depending on the particular style of their clothes, the passersby can tell one’s personality, mood, cultural identity, and socioeconomic standing by the brand names and colors on their clothing. How one chooses to dress can reflect their identity and their comfort level with how they express themselves. For example, a person wearing black stilettos and a blazer may be considered more conservative, accomplished, and hardworking. Whereas someone wearing paint-covered boots may be assumed to be just as hardworking, but is more artistic and creates art in a studio. Clothing gives us the freedom to express our true identities while also being able to choose what we project onto the world and what parts of our identity we choose to keep to ourselves. Fashion gives people of all statures the freedom to be creative with how they identify.

Many schools and professional institutions around the world enforce uniforms. The purpose of a uniform is to be able to see one’s peers as equals after removing the distraction of clothing. I agree that it’s important to see people for who they are on the inside rather than the outside, but it can also promote sameness and suppress individuality. In this world, it is easier to assume characteristics by the way one dresses, rather than to stop and get to know someone. In this way, uniforms can be harmful because by surrounding someone with sameness, a crowd can start to look the same and one can lose sight of the differences and unique qualities people from different backgrounds bring to the table. Fashion, much like a hairstyle or tattoos is a form of visual diversity. At times it may be uncomfortable to come to terms with, but that’s what the industry is for; it calls attention to our unique qualities and acts as a silent demand that all people are seen and heard.

The first step in acknowledging who you are is acknowledging that you are human and have just as much a right to express yourself as the other seven billion people on this planet. The fashion industry as a whole contributes to this acknowledgment because it forces you to feel uncomfortable with certain trends and it keeps you trying new looks until you find your style. In other words, fashion forces you to see your identity, because let’s face it, we always feel our best when wearing our diversity on our sleeves. The author helped with the design of the text by rendering diplomarbeit schreiben lassen.