Review: the princess saves herself in this one

Image Source: Amanda Lovelace

The princess saves herself in this one by Amanda Lovelace is a collection of poems, perfect for those who enjoy poetry and are looking for a quick read.

The first book in the Women are Some Kind of Magic series, Lovelace’s debut is divided into four parts, each going into different parts of the author’s personal life: from when she is growing up as a child to the person she is at the moment of writing the princess saves herself in this one. While the format can be disorienting, as there is no set pattern or rules to them (some may call the poems Tumblr-like), Lovelace adds many personal touches to her poems in addition to the fairy tale analogy. Despite going into the deepest and personal parts of her and putting it out on the page for the world to see, Lovelace includes a part for the readers as well, empowering them be more accepting of themselves.

The princess saves herself in this one is a powerful and emotional debut that will resonate with and inspire many readers.