Life Hacks: Keeping it Together

Image Source: Jasmine Liu

So the school year hit–and it hit hard. From papers flowing in to group projects starting in every class, it’s not easy keeping it all together this fall semester. Here are some tips on how to stay organized this school year, no matter how chaotic your schedule may feel right now.

1. Keep a Planner

Image Source: Design is Yay

Whether it’s a place for to-do lists or calendar reminders, planners are an absolute staple in your organizational life. They work great to keep you from forgetting about those big (and little) assignments.

2. Stay Active

Image Source: Stephanie Clairmont

From doing yoga to simply going for a morning run, the possibilities for staying active amidst a hectic schedule are endless. It’s important to take a break from studying every once in a while, both for your health and for your sanity.

4. Plan Ahead

Image Source: Tool Hero

When packed with a million activities, plan out those activities. Write down what you have get done each day, from the moment you wake up to when you hit the mattress. You might even find you have a couple hours in between just to breathe.

5. Meal Plan

Image Source: Crystal Karges

The last thing you want to be when you’re busy is hungry. That beautiful brain needs brain food–so cook something in advance to bring with you to your place of work or school. You’ll save by money by skimping on outside foods, and keep that stomach happy while working!

6. Reserve Me Time

Image Source: Shutterstock

To stay productive, you must be kind to yourself. Try fitting something that makes you happy into your schedule everyday. It can be as simple as treating yourself to some good coffee to watching Netflix for an hour.

Hopefully these tips show you that even busy bees can stay on task and continue thriving. Just make sure to plan accordingly and add some breaks to that to-do list, too.

Happy studying!