Lazy Sunday Mornings

It’s easy for the demands of work and school to become overwhelming. Sometimes, all you want to do is take a day off to lie in bed, eat junk food, and binge-watch Netflix for an entire day. You might feel guilty for waking up at two in the afternoon or realize that you’ve accomplished nothing, but really, it’s okay to feel lazy sometimes—everything in moderation, right?

Many people these days seem to be overachievers; it feels as though you can’t make it through life if you’re not, and everyone else around you seems to be working even harder. The pressure of performing well creates a variety of problems for people in today’s society. For example, teenagers and young adults are developing neck and shoulder pains at younger ages from all the time they spend working in front of a screen, and the mental toll taken may lead to severe illnesses as well.

Pushing yourself too much can put an excessive amount of stress on your mind and your body, which may cause you to collapse in the long run. Therefore, you don’t have to go to every social gathering or celebration you’re invited to. If you’re tired, physically and mentally, it may be better to spend a lazy Sunday morning alone to recharge so that you may return to your responsibilities refreshed and ready. 

Sleep until your body wakes you up, not your alarm. Treat yourself to the meal you’ve been wanting to eat but never got the chance to because of how busy you are. Lie on the sofa or drown under the covers. Read a new book or watch a new movie. Go on a walk. Run some errands. Practice your full seven-step skincare routine. Get some well-deserved rest. Do whatever allows you to fully enjoy your time alone, and remember: you may be alone, but you don’t have to feel lonely.