Grateful for Moments like these…

Image Source: Pinterest

Waking up in the perfect position, snuggled up in soft sheets. The sun dancing through leaves and giving off a perfect glow that makes time seem to slow down. Walking with your toes in the sand. Laughing until your lungs feel empty and your stomach hurts. The calm mornings where your mind wakes up at ease. When you’re hiking on a trail and can hear the rustle of birds and leaves.

I am so grateful for these moments where I feel alive. This whole year has felt so surreal, and I’m sure you can say the same. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything for everyone and it’s moments like these that I feel grateful for simply being able to enjoy life. I am fortunate to have a support system that cares for me, a roof over my head, food whenever I need it, and more importantly, a healthy body. 

This year has taught me to appreciate the two most crucial aspects of a great life: health and happiness. I remind myself how grateful I am to be healthy right now as it allows me to enjoy the moments where I feel alive.

So today take the time to appreciate little moments that make life worth living.