Finding Confidence During Hardship

Image via Psychology Today

2020 was definitely unexpected. I remember starting 2020 excited that all holidays were on weekends, looking forward to all the plans that I had for the year. When the virus hit America in March and everything shut down, life took a very different turn. I spent most of my days complaining about the lack of social connections and missing seeing my friends and family often. However, looking back now that the year is finally over, I realize that I grew a lot as a person and discovered a lot about myself.

The main thing I learned in 2020 is confidence. During quarantine, I took the time to focus on myself and my mental health. It wasn’t always easy, but I made a daily routine filled with healthy activities—such as working out, meditating, and reading—and followed through with it. In doing so, I gained confidence in myself. I have always struggled with mental health, but during 2020, I learned to be okay with who I am and to love myself. Anxiety has always been a huge barrier in my life, and the reality of 2020 helped me overcome my anxiety and live a less stressful life. I came to the realization that not everyone is going to like me, but that is okay as long as I am myself and know my worth. 2020 was a year of self-growth and discovery.

In 2021, I want to continue on this journey of gaining confidence and improving my mental health. I especially want to keep the positivity I learned once school starts in-person again. Although 2020 did not go as planned, I am grateful for the opportunity for self-growth it provided and I hope to continue this into 2021.