Character Breakdown: Diversity Within Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Image Source: NBC

A comedic, police drama following the detectives in Brooklyn’s ninety-ninth precinct, Brooklyn Nine-Nine blends gentle political commentary with an edge of satire and humor, resulting in a light-hearted portrayal of many issues that face our society today. Not only does the show utilize its platform to make brilliant jokes, but make social commentaries–beginning with its diverse characters.

The protagonist of the series, Jake Peralta, a man that at times seems more like a kid, brings the most comedic relief to the show, but also knows when to put the silliness aside.

Similarly, as he breaks through the pressures projected by hyper-masculinity, Charles Boyle, is never afraid to show that he cares. He is proud of who he is, and finds people who love him for that – an important message for people of every generation to see.

Amy Santiago, one of two Latina women on the series, is smart as a whip. Extremely organized and a team player, Amy’s almost obsessive competitiveness is the subject of many jokes on the show. She represents the idea that a woman can be smart, beautiful, and a boss.

Additionally, Rosa Diaz is, on face, your typical badass cop. She’s tough and strong, and will not let anything stand in her way. She is proud of her Latina origin, and has a soft side, though it is seldom seen. She shows that even the toughest people have emotions, and it’s never bad to show it.

Captain Raymond Holt is gay; the word itself comes with an array of stereotypes, but this character breaks them all. He is secure in his marriage, and simply acts as proof that with enough determination, you can do anything. He speaks of his past in the show, explaining his hardship and inspiring the youth of today to be more accepting and open-minded.

Together these characters and many more break the glass ceiling, or plexiglass interrogation barrier (if you will), and represent their audience members as best as they can. Revolutionary in its ability to portray everyone as they truly are while remaining incredibly funny, Brooklyn Nine-Nine is not a show to squander.