Women’s History Month: Resources for Gender Equality

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Happy Women’s History Month! Women are an essential part of society, and we have made so many amazing contributions to the world in the past, and we will continue to do so. Women have faced many hardships for simply being women, so in order to acknowledge how amazing women are, I thought I’d share a few resources pertaining to gender equality. Women deserve the same opportunities and respect as men, and this month is the perfect time to highlight that.

  1. UNICEF. Unicef goes into detail about the issues that women face in contrast to men and how gender inequality starts to affect children at young ages.
  2. Ethical Trading Initiative. The Ethical Trading Initiative shares resources about gender inequality in the workplace and how we can work together to make safe working environments for women.
  3. Peace Corps. The Peace Corps explains the history of gender inequality and the struggles that women still go through in different countries. It also provides a vocabulary list relating to gender inequality and women’s empowerment that is super informational.
  4. UNESCO. UNESCO is a resource based on helping people in the educational field as well as providing ways for educators to make their students feel more at ease in a classroom environment.
  5. World Resources Institute. The World Resources Institute defends gender equality by showing how important it is to the environment and sustainable practices for women to have equal rights.