What I’m Looking Forward to in 2021

Image Source: NPR – The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)

As 2020 comes to an end, I have begun to revisit the events of this year and everything that has come of it. America is not only tense due to politics and human rights right now, but also because the world is currently living through a pandemic, something I never thought I would experience in my lifetime. So, as 2020 nears its finale and I look back at the entire year, I can’t help but think what 2021 holds for myself and the rest of the world.

I think it’s safe to say that 2020 was a pretty dire year for everyone, so as I ponder about the next year, I cannot help but to have hope that society will get a break from tragedies and be able to live a little more freely as we were once able to. I hope that life will go back to being seemingly normal and that less lives are lost. I hope that we’ll be able to interact at school and hold events such as concerts and go out to restaurants to connect with one another without being anxious of catching a virus. I hope that if more lockdowns are put in place, individuals will still have something to hold on to and that their mental health stays intact. 

As for myself, I’m looking forward to spending more time with my loved ones, furthering my education, approaching the graduation of my undergraduate degree, and being able to spend more time writing my own works. In 2021, I’d also like to be able to spend more time in nature than I did this year by hiking, going on picnics, and hopefully traveling. 

No matter what happens in 2021, I hope it’s the year where love, compassion, and positive energy is abundant, and I hope everyone is staying safe until then and thinking about how they are going to conquer the upcoming year as well!