“Waking up in the morning, thinking about so many things…”

Image via WDRfree

After I open my eyes and wake from the morning fog in my brain, the first thing I tend to do is panic about what I have to accomplish during the day. All the homework, tasks for my job, and regular life stuff come at me at a million miles per hour, and I often get stuck in bed dreading to start the day. So what do I do to finally get myself out of the safety of my bed every morning?

One of the first things I do is take out my phone or notebook and bullet point all the things I have to do. This might be overwhelming at first, but I am a visual person; if I don’t write my tasks down, I’ll be more stressed out about forgetting them. 

After this, I take a moment to roughly plan out my day in my head, including when I should take breaks and exercise. It’s really important to plan breaks for yourself throughout the day so you don’t tire yourself out. Now, I don’t tend to write this schedule down; if I do, I usually get too overwhelmed trying to follow it step by step.  This allows me to be flexible with my schedule.

The last thing I do before I officially get out of bed is check my notifications to see if I got any emails, texts, or other messages. I even go through any Instagram or Snapchat notifications just to see what my friends have sent me. Often, I find myself waking up to funny memes and Snapchats my friends sent, which is a good start to the day, in my opinion. After all of this, I am finally ready to get up and start my day.

Waking up in the morning is rough, especially if you’re not a morning person like me. However, I have found that these steps have helped calm me down and prepare myself for the day.