Tips for Mastering Motivation

Image via Shine

We’ve all been there: we have a great idea—something that would get us a good grade or memorable experience or promotion or some other step towards our goal—but we don’t have the motivation to do it. No matter how rewarding it might be, it can sometimes be difficult to actually make yourself do it. Here are a few tips to get past that hump and succeed.

1. Reward yourself for the little things.

Sometimes these goals can only be achieved through a series of smaller steps, so the road to the finish line may seem long and intimidating, which can stop you before you begin. To overcome that, try rewarding yourself for each step. If you’re looking for a job, reward yourself each time you make progress on that application; finalizing your resume, writing your cover letter, securing references, and actually applying. Your reward can be something physical like an activity you enjoy, or it can be as simple as a sweet treat you normally don’t have.

2. Get others to hold you accountable.

If your goal is something that will make others happy or even make life easier around the house or in your job, tell someone else about it. They’ll likely get excited about it too and either want to help you if they can, or remind you about it and hold you accountable. It’s hard to not do something if there’s someone around who is also excited about it.

3. Get started.

Starting is the hardest part. Starting means you’re committing to doing something, and it might not always go your way. In the face of that, it can be easy to back off without even trying. Sometimes, all you need to do is force yourself to get started, no matter what. Often, everything becomes easier once you take that first step.

What other ways do you motivate yourself?