The Queen of Books

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As a lover of books, I am not only interested in the written words on the page, but the feeling a book can create inside of you just by holding it. We often associate physical books, sometimes viewed as outdated and without societal interest, as words strung together in sentences, paragraphs, and ultimately pages. Yes, many books take this form, but some hold more art and life than that. Irma Boom, a dutch graphic designer dubbed The Queen of Books, has created over 300 books, all filled with striking talent and artistic style. Her work has awarded her a permanent collection at the MoMA, as well as many awards for her artistic achievements. 

Although Boom has created a reputation for herself as a graphic designer through her beautifully crafted books, that wasn’t always her plan. Originally, Boom had intended on becoming a painter. It wasn’t until she applied to Arnhem School of Art that she was led towards another path through Jan Vermeulen, who conducted her initial interview for the school. Only meeting Jan Vermeulen once before his death, his son Julius Vermeulen would later become Boom’s life partner. 

Following her interview with Jan Vermeulen, Boom instead went to the AKI Academy of Art and Design, a school famous for art and applied arts. It wasn’t until a few years later that she realized she wasn’t a very good painter and Boom’s interest for graphic design emerged. While working at the Government Publishing and Printing Office in The Hague, Boom began to experiment with design, making her a public figure in the design community and allowing her to venture into solely commission work.

Irma Boom has inspired me, even through a field I am only half emerged in. Her passion and her talent have found their way into my life, and without it, I feel as if a piece would be missing. I could keep going on about her artistic talent and impact, but I’d rather show you. Below are links to some of her works and other articles about the talented Irma Boom.

Harvard University, Graduate School of Design:

Irma Boom’s Library, Where Pure Experimentalism Is on the Shelf: 

Irma Boom on standing up for yourself, even in the face of controversy: