The Magic Behind Wall Prints

Image Source: Zoe Sugg

We all hate that large blank wall that is impossible to fill because nothing ever looks right. Well, recently I’ve learned the magic behind wall prints. Decorating a wall with a variety of prints, either mounted with tape or framed, is the perfect way to complete your home. And the best part is that prints are easy to find or buy and then replace, so it’s the best way to decorate for whatever season you’re on. One inexpensive way to spruce up the space is to look for prints online and then print them on regular paper from your own home. However, a great website that sells thousands of prints and frames is Desenio. The photo to the left was taken by Zoe Sugg, a British vlogger. I would highly suggest looking up her video on this idea because she gives helpful tips on how to lay out designs and choose themes. Give this idea a try, I most definitely will!