The allure of study playlists and lofi music: helping students focus on their studies one song at a time

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With school now upon us, the amount of assignments, tests, and essays are enough to burn you out and leave you feeling unfocused – I’ve already felt this way a multitude of times and it’s only my third week back. However, there are ways to keep your mind focused on work – even when you don’t have the motivation to – and that’s through the power of music

Study playlists that include chill, lofi beats have allowed me to continue to concentrate on my studies even when I’m feeling overly stressed. There are various playlists for studying on YouTube as well as Spotify that I utilize daily throughout the week to help me center myself and check things off my to-do list. 

Some of my favorite study songs and playlists come from YouTube, including lofi music live streams as well as Animal Crossing calming music playlists. These videos help me focus when I get overwhelmed with schoolwork, while still allowing me to nod my head to the beat of the music. 

According to an article published by Maryville University, music is a great motivator for the brain and the spirit. Streaming music while studying can help to give you that sudden boost of energy that you need to finish up a homework assignment or cram for a test. Music also has the ability to influence your mood and brighten your spirit, which will make focusing on tasks that you need to get done much easier.  

The effect that listening to calming music has had on me is astonishing. If you aren’t already partaking in streaming music while studying, I highly recommend you try it out to see if it works for you because trust me, it will work wonders for your focus and concentration.

The list of genres to choose from for music to listen to while you study is very vast, including anything from classical, to jazz and chill pop – the list goes on and on. 

Any music genre is up for grabs for you to use while studying! Whatever allows you to focus and center your mind is the focal point when it comes to streaming while studying. I have found that my go-to playlists always consist of calming pop and alternative music as well as lofi instrumental beats, as seen in my Spotify studying playlist I created, titled “im studying leave me alone.” 

10 Songs That Help Me Get My Studying Done!:

  1. “Blue” by Twelve25
  2. “80’s High School” by CASTLEBEAT
  3. “Cariño” by The Marías
  4. “Lucky Love” by Michael Seyer
  5. “Lavender” by Dreamer Boy
  6. “Attention” by Victor Internet
  7. “Bubble” by rei brown
  8. “In One Ear” by Kid Bloom and Jesse
  9. “Lumbago” by Yeek
  10. “For You” by Luna Luna

These songs are just a few of the many favorites that I listen to while studying and working on my assignments. Therefore, make sure to get out there, turn on some tunes while you study, and see your concentration levels increase – I promise it’ll be worth it!