To Do: Read

Here is a fun fact that’s not so fun: spending all day on the computer for class can be mentally and physically exhausting. Now, that’s not a surprise. The big surprise for me has been just how easily I get bored and antsy during the school day! Based on my misadventures and attempts to take care of my brain during busy days, here are some tips to stay on top of your work while fueling yourself with free time…

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Unwind with Adventure Time

Adventure Time is full of some of the most incredible world-building I’ve ever seen in any format, cartoon or live-action, and executes one of the most wholesome, intense, and emotional stories in recent media. More often than not, I’ll have it playing in the background as I work. With it’s catchy opening and credits themes, energetic voice-acting, and colorful artwork, I find it works both as a nice de-stresser and as a motivator for my own writing…

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De-Stress with Some Classic Comedy: “The Office” and More…

One of the great things about streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and the many others is that we can watch whatever we want, whenever we want. We don’t have to interrupt our school schedule to watch a pre-scheduled show, we can just watch it after class or during a break. As the global pandemic continues to affect our lives and classes have been moved online, it can be good to take a break, relax, and enjoy a nice episodic comedy…

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“Fleabag”, the Feminist Show Everyone’s Been Waiting For

Amazon prime’s British comedy- drama series Fleabag will quickly become a new obsession of anyone who chooses to watch it. Following a grieving, middle-aged woman, this show adapts a slice of life feel, with a sardonic twist. The dry humor is brilliantly written, and the complexity of the characters will blow your mind! 

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Changes in the Film Industry During Quarantine

With entertainment being such a prominent aspect of our society, it’s crucial that people have movies and TV shows to look forward to. While it’s difficult to decide how to implement safety protocol, it should be a priority to enforce daily testing or spread out filming and give everyone certain work hours. Which leads us right back to one of the biggest problems, time…

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The Pandemic’s Effect On Cinema and Production

In addition to a halt in box office sales, film production has also slowed the past few months. I believe this is the ideal opportunity for the industry to blossom creatively, for quality films to flourish in accordance with smaller budgets, sets, and casts. There is something raw and beautiful about less precision and professionalism, which Hollywood tends to rely on. New voices and creators within the independent film industry may thrive, working around the struggles a pandemic provides. This time around, creativity and flexibility win over professionalism…

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If You Haven’t Watched ATLA Yet, What Are You Doing?

As the show progresses, more and more real life issues are addressed. Topics such as parental pressure, finding your own path in life, and dealing with the loss of a loved one are explored. Last, but definitely not least, the strongest aspect of the show definitely would be the characters. It wouldn’t be far fetched to say that Prince Zuko practically has a cult following at this point…

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The Triviality of Performative Social Justice in Media

Following worldwide protests empowering black and indigenous lives, corporations have attempted catering to the masses by sporting temporary Black Lives Matter logos, altering racially insensitive brand names, and so on. Corporate media is another participator of such performative allyship, with white voice actors collectively stepping down from black roles. But why are shows like The Simpsons, Big Mouth, and Family Guy releasing statements of regret, conveniently after several season releases and a time of mass civil unrest? 

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