The Further Adventures of King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

From their promising 2011 debut, the “Willoughby’s Beach” E.P., to their sixteenth full-length album, “K.G.”, in 2020, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard careen between genres like shiny metal balls coursing down through the slots and obstacles in a pachinko machine. They specialize in an acutely distorted psychedelic garage rock, defy appearances, and have managed to remain hyper-productive and inventive at the same time; successfully transplanting their 60s rock roots into the dampened soil of numerous musical vessels…

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Spooky Season

Halloween is just around the corner and I’m sure most of us have already started thinking about how to decorate our homes! The most important piece of the holidays is the ambiance (books, movies, and festive drinks!). Everyone has their own idea of how they envision spooky time to be, whether it be full of Michael Meyers and the series of Saw or cute costumes and Hocus Pocus. To start, I wanted to share a classic favorite: The Nightmare Before Christmas…

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Carrie: Stephen King

Looking for an October read? Look no further! “Carrie”, by accomplished author Stephen King is the perfect combination of both psychological chaos and teenage trauma. It follows the story of a high school teenager named Carrie, who is a social outcast and the main victim of any mean girl’s torment. After suffering through school she comes home to her mother, a woman who carries an insanely cult-like worship to the Lord and the belief that her daughter is a demon. And, to be fair, she might not be entirely wrong…

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The Autumnal Brilliance of “Mingus Ah Um”

When I listen to “Mingus Ah Um”, I rarely consider the many people, events, and pieces that form this magnificent puzzle. I instead always see a pathway lined with naked trees and carpeted with orange and brown leaves stirring with the breeze, and Charles Mingus never fails to engross me in his wonderful, autumnal world. Released in October of 1959, “Mingus Ah Um” plays like fall weather. It can turn from a gentle, relaxing breeze, to a whipping, howling gale in an instant, and Charles Mingus isn’t afraid to place those two sides together in stark contrast…

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Remembering Halloween with The Misfits

With their conspicuously violent, horror-core sensibilities, the Misfits confounded audiences in the late 1970s—mainly childlike onlookers come to witness the primordial fatalism of East Coast punk rock up close. The Misfits greatest songs encapsulated a minimalistic post-Ramones translation of rock ‘n’ roll invoking peculiar 1950s doo-wop harmonies delivered straight from the warm coffin of Elvis Presley…

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Review: Havenfall

In the midst of chaos, there is something freeing about being pulled into a captivating story that sweeps you out of your current reality and fills your head with an entirely new world. Released on March 3rd, 2020, “Havenfall” provides a promising escape for readers looking for more intrigue, mystery, and criss crossing magical worlds with each page turn. If this is what you’re looking for, then this book serves as a reservation for a stay at the Havenfall Inn, where you can poke around to your heart’s content- at your own risk…

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