Staying Positive

Image Source: Medium

Hey everyone, today I thought it would be nice to talk about positivity. With everything going on in the world, it’s important to not let the negativity consume all aspects of our lives. Sometimes it’s easy to let stress take over and cloud our judgement; we can grow nervous, impatient, and scared. But it’s also important to stay positive. In order to think clearly we all need to stay calm. Our mind is very powerful and it can either make us think the worst or rationalize any situation. Now more than ever we need to stay logical and happy. With COVID-19 we need our defenses up, and stress is something that can not only affect us mentally but physically as well. Negativity leads to stress and anxiety, while positivity encourages hope and confidence. 

Sometimes it can be good to be optimistic instead of letting pessimism win when there might not be a need for it. I hope that reading this has reminded you that hope is stronger than fear. Above all, I hope that everyone is staying healthy and safe during these unprecedented times.