Small Acts of Kindness

Image source: Matthias

I’ll start this article by telling you an incident that took place at our school carnival. I was in 4th grade at that time. I went to the carnival with a friend and all those appealing carnival games got us bad. We ran out of money pretty quickly.

There was still time before our parents came to pick us up, and we were really hungry –we’d even finished all the candy we had won. All we had were a few coins that amounted to almost nothing. So we finally went to a stall of fries that our teacher was managing, and because she could see that we were hungry, she gave us the box of fries for the little money we had. I still remember how filling they were. To our teacher it was just a small portion of the tons of fries she had but for us it was what satisfied our grumbling stomachs.

Before I get to my point I’d like to tell you another story. I was born with a relatively large nose. I had always been very insecure about it. As a child, I would often cry thinking about my looks. Every now and then, people would mention the size of my nose and it would hurt me a lot. Fast forward to my teen years, as began trying to accept my looks but they would still bother me sometimes. One day, a friend told me that she liked the shape of my nose and she wished she could have one like me. No one had ever complimented my nose before so it was really shocking. Those few words made me really happy and helped me gradually get rid of my lifelong insecurity.

A little bit of kindness can change lives. It isn’t hard to say a few kind words, but the effect they can have is huge. A compliment might cheer up a person who’s having a bad day. It could even help people who are depressed to think about the good things in life. All it takes is a few words or even just a smile. You might forget those words or those acts, but the other person will remember them forever.