Simple Ways to Eat Healthily

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Eating healthy doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it can actually be pretty simple. Although we’re already halfway through 2021, it’s not too late to start adopting some healthy eating habits, so you can end the year strong! Read on to see some of my favorite ways to eat healthily.

1. Everything in Moderation

This is one of the main rules that I live by! I took a nutrition class a few years ago, and this was one of the first lessons my professor bestowed on us. When we try to “cut” things out of our lives because we think of it as “bad,” we trick our minds into craving this “bad” thing because we can’t have it.

Rather than limiting ourselves, we should change our mindset about food. Allowing yourself to have some junk food every once in a while, as long as you limit and pace yourself, is key to not depriving your body. When we deprive ourselves, we tend to over-indulge later on, which is actually counterproductive.

2. Drink More Water

Another simple way to stay healthy is to drink more water! Being hydrated helps our bodily functions run smoothly, and it also helps to curb our need to snack when we’re not hungry. However, most of us don’t actually consume the right amount daily. Though lots of studies recommend 8 glasses of water per day, this varies depending on your body since everyone’s needs are different. Typically, nutritionists suggest taking your weight in pounds, dividing it by two, and the number you are left with should be the fluid ounces of water you consume in a day.

3. Include Fruits and Vegetables in Every Meal

Another simple way to make sure we’re eating healthily is to make sure we include more fruits and vegetables in our meals. For instance, during breakfast, try adding some fresh fruit to your oatmeal or yogurt or adding avocados or tomatoes to your eggs. For lunch and dinner, rather than having dessert, try opting for a fruit cup instead.

There are so many simple ways to eat healthily. What are some of your tips?