Seize the Day

Image via National Day Archives

This is a crazy time we’re living through right now, and while things may return to normal soon, we must continue following safety guidelines. It’s also important to recognize that life after the pandemic will not be all sunshine and rainbows—there are still many issues to address in all aspects of life. So, if you can, take this time to have fun every so often. No one ever said you couldn’t enjoy yourself while still being safe. If you’ve got an urge that can be safely satisfied, go for it!

Make those cookies at midnight! Eat that cake all by yourself! Cut or dye your hair! Ask that person on a date! Try new foods! Stay up late watching movies! Sleep in! Cuddle with your pets! Redecorate your house! Take a road trip! Do something you’ve always wanted to do!

Seize the day! After all, “Today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present.” – Eleanor Roosevelt