Review: Artemis

Image Source: Yuki Klotz-Burwell

Artemis, written by bestselling author Andy Weir, is a quirky crime story set on the moon’s first city. The novel’s protagonist is smuggler Jazz Bashara, who can barely afford a coffin-sized bedroom, and who quickly finds herself tangled up in a deal much than she’s ever done before.  Soon, she finds herself dodging murderers and schemers, and finding out more about the lunar economy than she was aiming for.

Artemis is a book unlike many others, and while it’s well written and has a compelling plot, some aspects of the story fall flat. Many of the reveals were made to seem bigger that they deserved to be, and a lot of the space jargon likely will confuse most readers. It’s impressive that Weir created this entire colony and ecosystem, but the descriptions and terms are often hard to follow.

Those looking for a fast-paced, action filled novel with a somewhat geeky premise should definitely check out Artemis.