Review: All the Missing Girls

Image Source: Crime by the Book Blog

Most mysteries are told in chronological order, but Megan Miranda’s All the Missing Girls is an original psychological thriller told backwards. When protagonist Nicolette has to return to her hometown to help her ailing father, her appearance unravels more than just memories. A girl goes missing the very day she returns, and from the same woods another girl disappeared from ten years before—a girl who happened to be Nicolette’s best friend.

All the Missing Girls is captivating and twisted, but slightly confusing. The reverse nature of the novel gets complex, and it can become hard to decipher what the narrator already knows. However, the story itself is compelling and will definitely appeal to readers who enjoy a chilling tale. Each character seems equally guilty, and as the novel progresses, it becomes more tastefully complex.

A twisting minefield of drama, intrigue, and suspense, All the Missing Girls is one to be read with the lights on and the doors locked.