Revamp Your Room!

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As the weather gets steadily colder, making the ideal space to curl up in for the winter is crucial. Although this might seem like a stressful addition to your already bustling schedule, here are three easy steps to create your personal haven.

  1. Deep Clean

Clutter can make an already busy person even more stressed out. I recommend using the popular KonMari Method to go through it which, in its most simple form, entails holding each object and asking yourself, “does this spark joy?” If the answer is no, then either donate or throw away the object. This is a quick technique to simplify clutter down to what truly makes you happy.

  1. Rearrange

This step is simple enough: take a look at the arrangement of the furniture in your room and switch it up a bit. Maybe this part of your life requires a more functional living space, or maybe you decide you don’t like the pieces of furniture you own. Either way, changing the layout of a room can instantly change the vibe.

  1. Reorganize

Lastly, reorganize what you own depending on what you want to achieve for your new space. If you’re going for a more aesthetic feel, new decor might be the way to go. If you want more functionality, making sure what you need to use regularly is easily accessible yet out of the way will help.

    With simply these three steps, any room can turn into the perfect chill spot for the stay-inside-all-day weather to come.