Preparing for Going Back to School

Image via Quote Master

Back-to-school season is back, but the pandemic is still here, so we need to prepare and be responsible so we keep everyone safe.

Some things I will be doing on campus are carrying hand sanitizer, my masks, and being courteous of others as I practice social distancing. I will also remember to follow all of my University’s protocols to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

The pandemic aside, this is a new and exciting time. The start of a school year should be celebrated, and it’s important to stay organized and motivated. Organization can be key to staying motivated because the learning process becomes enjoyable instead of stressful. Trying to finish projects when the deadline is around the corner makes the assignment all about getting something good enough to submit instead of learning and understanding the material. Therefore, it’s important to avoid procrastination through organization to ensure a better school year.

Ultimately, though, let’s be excited to learn and explore more of what we love. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s to live in the moment and be grateful for our opportunities.