Personal Mindfulness

Image Source: BuzzFeed

Since I’ve been at home, I’ve been trying to be more mindful about what I want to accomplish or improve in my life. I’ve spent some time with just my thoughts and wrote down how I truly feel about how my life is going. That meant reassessing my career goals, sorting out my finances, seeing how my relationships with others have changed either for better or worse, and analyzing how fulfilled I feel in life. 

This is a wonderful time for healing and restoring, and it’s been therapeutic for me to sit down and have an honest conversation with myself about what changes I want to implement in my life. For a couple of months, I have been feeling quite unmotivated and lost. When I came back home, I decided to revisit some of my old hobbies that I’ve given up on, such as drawing and scrapbooking. It helped me rediscover what made me intrinsically happy when I was young, before I had to make decisions that were more based on what would help me become more successful or financially stable in the future. From there, I’ve been looking into graphic design software and different jobs or activities I can do that combine art with other interests I have. I feel like I have begun to outline a map for myself and that has brought me happiness and clarity. 

I think that being aware of our feelings and acknowledging the aspects of our lives that make us both content and discontent help us figure out what we should improve and what we should keep doing. Being grounded in the present has never been more important, nor opportune. Many of us have the most free time we’ve had in a while, and it’s time to put it to good use.