Nintendo Rises to Popularity Once Again

Image Source: Nintendo

The Nintendo company first made its appearance into the gaming world nearly 130 years ago in 1889. From then on, they have released hundreds of handheld games and consoles that have obtained a massive following worldwide. On their 100th anniversary, the company released the first portable gaming console: the Gameboy.

Since then, the Nintendo Gameboy has been discontinued and replaced by many different variations of the Nintendo DS. During the early 2000’s the Nintendo company was at its height of popularity, Zelda, Super Mario Bros, and all of the retro games were swimming in rave reviews. Unfortunately, a couple years after the release of the DS in 2004, Nintendo went through a dark period. Customers stopped buying consoles and games slowly lost their once dedicated players; that dryspell became a reality for Nintendo–until the release of the Switch.

Just over a year ago, the company increased its revenue by releasing the Nintendo Switch. The switch is a slick, updated version of the DS, and it has two, removable remotes on each side allowing for multiplayer video games including Mario Kart, Smash Bros, and more. Vintage gaming has been made “cool” again through the Switch. Once the company advertised its newest way to game, players of all ages showed an interest. Now, the oldest game boys can be found making a bountiful profit on the internet for thousands of dollars, and there are plenty of buyers. Nintendo has once again successfully risen to popularity.

The brand is now noted in the majority of households across the world. Recording a networth of just over two billion dollars in 2017, Nintendo has once again pleased its dedicated and new players alike.