New Books, New Me

Image Source: Amazon

There is something beautiful about the escapism of fiction. When I open a story chock full of things that could never happen, I let my imagination run wild and relieve the stress of the real world. However, I have been pushed out of my comfort zone thanks to the ever unprecedented year we’ve all experienced. 

Needing a way to switch things up and create things to do, all of the women in my extended family started a book club together. Considering the wide range of ages and interests, we have compiled a large variety of books on our group “To Be Read” list. My tunnel vision was forcefully opened as I began each new family meeting– and to be honest, I am grateful it was! 

Inspired by my new routine of breaking from magical worlds, I have recently decided on two new books to continue expanding my interests with. Having a previous interest in mythology (thank you, Percy Jackson and the Olympians) and a dream of traveling to Ireland, Celtic Mythology: Tales of Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes by Philip Freeman seemed to be an obvious first choice. With very little documented about the Celts and their beliefs, the best stories are pulled together to paint a picture of a mythology that sits in the shadow of the Greeks. J.R.R. Tolkien, renowned author of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, even took inspiration from them. I can’t wait to see what I learn about the next mythology for me to obsess over!

Image Source: Barnes and Noble

The second is a collection of poems gifted to me by one of my professors. Ten Poems to Last a Lifetime by Roger Housden is exactly what it sounds like: ten compiled works from various poets. Housden adds his own thoughtful commentary after each, analyzing each line and the particular meaning he finds in them. Since I don’t often read poetry, I look forward to having some of the layers pulled back for me and spending many pages getting to know the meaningful pieces. Who knows– maybe they will actually last me a lifetime! 

How can you step outside the box to read something new this week? Your new favorite might just be around the corner!