National Coming Out Day

Image via Center for American Progress

Happy National Coming Out Day! If you missed it on October 11th, don’t worry! You can still celebrate the LGBTQ community! This day is dedicated to celebrating those who have courageously come out as members of the LGBTQ community.

Whatever your sexuality, you deserve to be celebrated—not just on one specific day, but on all days. You are allowed to be uniquely you, and if that means sexually identifying as other than heterosexual, amazing! You deserve to find love in any shape or form that you like without hate. You have unconditional freedom to go find love with whomever you desire.

If you’re hesitant about your sexuality or are having trouble coming out, there are always places you can reach out to. Some organizations in the Los Angeles area are Los Angeles LGBT Center and PFLAG. Both provide online support as well as in-person support.

Remember that your sexuality is yours, no one else’s. You deserve to find your love and be yourself. There is no shame or embarrassment in being who you are. You are your best self when you are uniquely you!