Lyric Lovers

Image Source: Genius

Music is something that almost everyone connects to, whether it’s rap, hip-hop, rock and roll, indie rock, country, jazz, and more. Music with lyrics allow us to not only connect with the sounds but the words and messages within the song. If you’re someone like me, you avidly listen and try to understand the lyrics to figure out their meanings. Some lyrics are more direct while others are more metaphorical, and then sometimes I just get stumped.

Genius is a great website that has lyrics to millions of songs that come with possible explanations or connections of the verses. If you recognize the name, they have also partnered with Spotify, so you may have seen lyrics and their meanings before on your Spotify account with “Behind The Lyrics”. You can even create an account on Genius and comment on the songs yourself. I have learned so much about the songs I listen to, and it’s amazing how creative artists can really be. Sometimes an artist’s lyrics connect to their life events, previous songs, history, current events, other artists, mental health, and so much more. 

Genius also has some other features on their website. One of them is the charts that show what is trending on Genius (or what people are looking up the most on the website). They also have videos and news about the music community, and the community in Genius as well.

I highly encourage anyone to use this website even when you’re just slightly curious about a lyric or verse meaningyou may discover something truly amazing!